6-things that successful people do not waste time on

6-things that successful people do not waste time on

6-things that successful people do not waste time on

Tasks that are not in alignment with your passion, tasks that do not being you any joy, tasks that are not going to bring you growth or wealth!
Find ways to delegate those tasks. Don’t be a time spender and be a time investor!

We have a limited amount of time on earth and we do not want to spend or exchange time for activities that are simply waste of our time. Most average people spend their time in frivolous tasks which do not enhance their quality of life or their career. Successful people treat their time as precious and they only exchange it for things that bring them those things. These are called high value tasks.

Poor people talk of people, average people talk about events and great people talk about ideas!
For successful people, the attention is not on conflicts or trivial arguments or back bitching about people, but focus on how they can live an incredible life, how they can make an impact and grow their potential and live the purpose of their lives!

The past actually doesn’t exist, but some people like to keep them alive in their brains and like to keep pressing that PLAY button and keep listening to things that happened in the past.
By doing so they are wasting their precious attention on things that they can’t change, rather than on future opportunities that can bring them the positive change.
Generally, when successful people get online or on social media, predominantly on research and production, rather than simply on consumption!
Even if you are to consume any content, you need to curate your social media in such a way that you only consume the content in such a way that will improve your life, to learn a skillset deficiency and something that you know you want to do in life.
Reality is that people have their own agendas of life and you simply cannot please everybody.
Successful people are more focussed on becoming competent, on having high character, on being honest rather than going and trying to superficially please people. They don’t spend time worrying about who is offended, who doesn’t like them, because frankly, successful people understand that those things are completely out of their control. Other people’s opinion about us is entirely their business. Some people can call you amazing and the very next day they can call you evil!
People’s perception is mostly based on what is happening in their life at that point of time and their ability to assess a situation. Most of time, it actually has nothing to do with you.

Its pragmatic and not in our control- I cannot control the weather but I can control the navigation of my boat!
If you look at the political situation or the global economic situation or situations of macro nature, the best is to ignore that as its not going to really help you in anyway and you are wasting your precious time and energy on the things beyond your control. Instead work on how you can navigate my life situation through what’s happening. One has to pay attention to it but no point complaining about it. One has to be educated and aware about the events that may not directly impact you but have the potential to impact you indirectly