Will AI replace the coaches?
It is important for us to know that AI will play a very important role in our society overall and a very important role in our coaching businesses too.
The scenario will not be AI vs coaching but will be AI hands in hands with coaching.
So, if you ask AI for a plan on how to lose weight, it will answer you in fraction of seconds, with availability 24*7. But, when you are sitting with a client, AI doesn’t have an emotional variability to work with a client. It’s about we all want to make more money, we all want to stay fit and gain that extra muscle! But it’s not just about knowing how to lose weight, we all know that, AI shows 100 plans to help lose weight and gain the muscle. We always had access to that. But then, to get to do that plan, is where we as a coach come in. Hence, the amalgamation of AI and coaching is the dance of information and experience. As a coach, AI can help you find an information. But AI will not be able to have the ability of human experience. AI can look into an insight, an intuition, an adaptability required too, which is only humanly available. When you work with an individual, everything is very individualised, very personal to a particular person. It at times may sound illogical to a logical entity like AI.
Now the question is how far do we push AI? While the information of AI is generated by corporations like google, Microsoft and alike, although the human being while are very open and public, there is certainly a set of information that we want to be private and confidential especially the information that talks about our fears, nuances, emotions etc. We don’t like to have them publicly available to a software. Therefore, at all times, we may not be very comfortable to provide all our information to AI and that is where human to human interaction becomes more valuable.
With AI we have become efficient and more productive, we have more time with us. If we as coaches don’t show up now and become more important, we are at risk of letting our society succumb to all that time. And go into a negative mental spiral.