Did you know that our upbringing has a profound impact on who we become.

If you grew up in an unloving environment, you may have developed traits you didn’t even realise stemmed from those experiences.
Personal Development is about so many things, from developing your mind to developing your attitude towards life, developing your skills and overall becoming a better human being. You may think this stuff maybe really intuitive, simple and common sense. Its anything, but just a common practice. Our personalities are formed of a complex mix of cultural factors, conditioning, the environment, the era that we grew up in and certainly few genetically inherited characteristics. A few characteristics which I have noticed closely, with people who grew up in families which had less love and support are as below:
- These kinds of people are rebellious. They would like to do things differently because they maybe seeking attention, they want to be different and not be like everybody else. When they grow up, especially in their teenage, they at times become troublemakers. They just defy orders!
- These kinds of people are hyper-vigilant. They pay attention to every little detail, maybe because when they were growing up, they did not feel like they could just relax. They would always feel like there is volatility at home, walking on eggshells, no sense of certainty and they were never comforted. Consequently, their brains get hardwired to become hyper-vigilant.
- They find it very difficult to trust people. So, if your own family has let you down when you were growing up, when you grow up you inherit that mindset that you cannot rely upon people.
- These people are fiercely independent. As much as possible, they hate relying on people. They want to try and do everything themselves, because in the past they already had numerous experiences where they have relied on people and they have been led down. They live with continuous disappointing experiences.
- They are sceptical about people. They know that people can be good, largely they don’t see people being benevolent. They often carry this perception that most people cannot be naturally good.
- They have distrust of authority. It goes back to point of being rebellious. Generally, they do not give that respect to people in authority, unlike others. They struggle to listen to teachers, parents etc. They believe that most of these people who have got positions may have done something wrong, because they have seen an imperfect system. They have seen in their family that people who have authority, did not ever deserve that authority.
- These people tend to be emotionally aloof and are very sensitive to betrayal. The moment they see signs of betrayal, they will quickly flip.
- They have an excessive need to prove themselves. During their childhood, they did not get the acknowledgement, validation and approval of people whom they looked up to for being loved. They realise that only by doing something extraordinary, would they be given validation.