6-things that successful people do not waste time on 1. LOW VALUE TASKSTasks that are not in alignment with your passion, tasks that do not being you any joy, tasks that are not going to bring you growth or wealth!Find ways to delegate those tasks. Don’t be a time spender and be a time investor! […]
Category: Work Environment
Have you been struggling to keep your focus on something that you know is important to you? Do you come into a situation when you know what you have to do but at the end of the day you are just not able to achieve it?You realise that you do have the inherent motivation, but […]
8 types of people you must avoid because
…They waste your time Over the years, I have realised that there are certain kinds of people you have to learn to eliminate from your lives if you don’t have to waste your time and become more productive in life!
Role of health in business
What is the role of health in terms of when we are building our businesses.While we keep ourselves financially very sound, we end up taking our health only as an afterthought. Also, one thinks that health has no direct relation to what you do in your business.At 36 years people have starting operating as 70 […]