The fundamental reason why we at times fail to enrol a group of clients altogether is UNCLEAR VALUE PROPOSITION. People who sign up for a group coaching program usually sign up for very particular results. So, you have to be very clear as to what is the outcome that your client can expect and the timeline attached to it. The clearer will be your value proposition, the easier it will be your clients to say a Yes.
The second reason is INEFFECTIVE MARKETING STRATEGIES. The internet marketing is per say so much surrounded by the idea of ‘launches’ that we think that everything should eventually be a launch. Yes, in case you have strong social media network, or you have a mass email list, they you can certainly wait for many people to enrol and then you launch start your program. But what if this is not the case. Then the coach must focus on small daily interactions with potential participants. Depending on where you are in your journey, your marketing strategies need to be moulded.
The next level of mistake is done with POOR PROGRAM STRUCTURE. The structure has to include high engagements, weekly outcomes, follow-ups. This improves the quality of outcomes that you can create for your clients.
The fourth reason I state is called LACK OF EVIDENCE That is where it is very important that our records include stories or social proof about the quality of outcomes that you can create. It may also mean ‘Lead by example’. Be the example of the outcome that you promise your clients. Narrate stories of past, maybe without particulars of the clients as there be NDAs or non-compete signed. This will help the clients believe in you and believe in themselves also.
The last to enlist is PRICING & PAYMENT PLAN. It is hesitant factor. Usually if we give our clients what they seek, they are very honourable people. Offer extended payment plans and alike for people to be able to afford your coaching programs. Results create the value.